I must become king.
So I just finished watching the movie The Kings of Summer in order to do some more research on film openings based around movies about nature. The movie is basically about these 3 kids that decide to move into the forest away from civilization because they didn't like the current situation they were in. They move to the forest and build a house there where they live for a month until eventually they go home. this is interesting because this might be a route I want to take, where somebody tires of their life at home and decide to dedicate their lives to nature. What makes it very interesting is that they do a similar opening to the one I would like to incorporate in my sequence, where the very first shot is one that gives a scene from later on in the movie, then flashes back to the very beginning where the whole story starts to develop. I'd like to incorporate this into the film because I believe it would help my audience to believe I really do have a clear idea of what the rest of the film would look like instead of just making an opening. Also, many openings start of quite slow and only really begins to develop later on, so I'd like to incorporate some of the action from later on in my film to make it more intense, therefore making the movie more fun to make and getting the audience intrigued. The filmmakers in the Kings Of Summer connect this future scene by creating a sound bridge between the music from the woods and the knocking of the main characters father on the door. These two scenes juxtapose each other and allow the audience to see the reality of the main character's situation. I'd also like to use this technique in my opening, except I'd use a graphic match instead of a sound bridge to connect the scenes, which I feel has an even bigger impact on the audience. This movie was a great tool in helping me to get more of an idea and visual of the scene I'd like to create. Now I just need to find a concrete plot in which I can create all of this around.
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